Thursday, September 20, 2012


Meepo is released!! OMG . Im so excited.. Meepo Geomancer.
Check this out


OK so what type of a hero is Meepo. Meepo can be attributed entirely to IceFrog as he brought this hero into the DotA scene. Meepo is not one , not 2 , not 3 but 4 heroes . Well if you invest enough he would be 5 heroes. 

What does Meepo Have that works for him. His ultimate. Geomancer (that was his name in dota 1) creates a lot of confusion with his clones. Enemies get confused which one to kill and in the process end up dying. 

His skills are Four 

  • EarthBind
  • Poof
  • Geostrike
  • Divided We Stand

EarthBind is similar to Ensnare by Naga Siren. However there are some fundamental changes/differences. Ensnare is a targeted single target ability. EarthBind is a location targeted ability. Any units that get caught in the net are disabled. So you can net 2-3 or sometimes even 4 heroes using EarthBind. Note that EarthBind Prevents heroes from Going Invisible. This means that if a Gondar or Clinkz is Earthbinded then it cant go invisible. Similarly if a Rikimaru (during its visibility period :fade time) is earthbinded it doesnt go invisible simply because it can't.EarthBind cannot disable Magic immune heroes.

Poof is a unique skill in itself. Poof basically teleports one meepo to another Meepo. It can also teleport to itself. At the area of departing and at the area of arrival Meepo's Poof does damage. If Meepo's poof to themselves they do double the poof damage. This damage is quite significant in the mid game. At max level Poof Damage is 140. If you poof your Meepo's to the same place then you are doing 140* 2 = 280 damage from one meepo. Now depending on your level you are either level 11 or level 16. if you are 3 Meepo's then you are doing 28 * 3 = 840 Magic damage . This can be repeeated every 8 seconds.:)  Thats the magic of Meepo. 


This skill does constant damage over time. Its more useful activity though is the fact that it slows 20% at max level. Thats from one Meepo and it stacks. So with 4 Meepo's you are slowing the enemy heroes 80%.. I dont think any other hero / item in the game does this much amount of slow. 
P.S. The minimum movement speed that any hero has is 100. It never goes below that. 

Divided We Stand

Ultimate of Meepo is the reason this Hero is Playable. It is also the reason this hero is non playable. Meepo as a hero requires intense Micro Managing. It really fucks your brain. If one Meepo dies then all your Meepo dies. (United We Fall :P)

For a more Detailed Guide into Meepo Skill Build and its Powers, please feel free to check it out here

Also one more thing For you To remember :
If Meepo has not skilled up his ultimate and buys an Aghanim Scepter a clone will still be formed nevertheless.
So if you are level 5 and have an Aghanim Then u will have 2 meepo

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