Friday, September 14, 2012

Why is the next hero in Dota 2 not releasing?

Today's Update was so much anticipated but it turned out to be a disaster.
Just visual Fixes is not what Dota 2 players were expecting. What are the top Reasons for The new Heroes not releasing

  • There is a high probability that the next hero is Meepo. 
  • Meepo if you have played it in Dota 1 has 3 clones ( 4 with Aghanim's Scepter )
  • In Dota 1 there used to be hero icons on the top left corner of the Screen
  • So in short you could see which Meepo was low on HP and send it away or save it somehow.
  • In Dota 2 you will have to look into the Main Screen to check the HP bars( which is quite troublesome to see among all the mess  or crowding that Meepo Creates)
  • So there might be some fundamental changes into the Game Play that might be introduced just for Meepo
  • Also In Dota  1 you could control each clone with F1, F2, F3, F4, F5. You could click on these buttons to control singular Clones. In Dota 2 there is a separate button that you can assign for The Hero Control. In case of Meepo this will be the Main Meepo. 
  • Another reason for the delay would be that there might be multipe heroes being released together.
  • Finally Purge of PurgeGamers Fame has/had said that he was working on something important with Valve which is a secret and cannot be revealed. So maybe This is something thats holding back the hero Release.

Lets Hope that once 6.75 is released in Dota 1, IceFrog and Valve team immediately put it into effect and release the much awaited MEEPO

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