Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dota 2 Update Notes 19/4/2013

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- Added Skywrath Mage!


- Added stricter system implementing communication (voice and text) bans for abusive players.

- Combined voice and text reports into a single 'communication' report.

- Reduced reports per week to 4.

- Removed ability for spectators to report players in-game.

- Reports now allow single selection of behavior type only.


- Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes losing vision after the second cast.

- Doom: Scorched Earth now shows its duration on the buff icon.

- Lich: Fixed Frost Armor auto-casting while Lich is channeling.

- Magnus: Fixed a rare crash involving Skewer.

- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush not slowing attack speed.

- Spectre: Fixed Haunt illusions moving while out of the game.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain travelling too fast.

- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not latching quite far enough.

- Tusk: Fixed Tusk not issuing an attack order on the snowballed unit after the snowball crashes.

- Enabled Drow and Tusk to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version next week)


- Added tab to the Watch section showing downloaded replay files.


- Riki: Added Smoke Screen and Blink Strike animations.

- Sniper: Added victory animations and more aggressive posing of idle, run and attack when enemy is in range.


- Bots now know to avoid standing in Macropyre and Ice Path.


- Added a button to the preview that allows you to test your imported model in-game, in a local server.

1 comment:

rohansamal said...

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